2023 NYS Women's Amateur & Senior Amateur Four-Ball Championship Tee Sheet

Round 1 - Mon, July 31

Sodus Bay Heights Golf Club
Time Hole Players
Sodus Bay Heights Golf Club
Player Tee Time Hole Tee Other Players
Bartolotta, Valerie Country Club of Rochester
12:00 PM 14B Red - Ladies Hobika, Meredith + Levine-Ribble, Ronnie + Ptak, Linda
Beard, Carolyn Niagara Frontier Country Club
12:00 PM 8 Gold - Ladies Ricciardi, Jessica + Ricciardi, Michelle + Wilson, Kirsten
Betlem, Cris Sodus Bay Heights Golf Club
12:00 PM 11 Red - Ladies Curtis, Mary + Doorley, Sandra + Ward, Pamela
Blyth, Tammy Monroe Golf Club
12:00 PM 14A Red - Ladies Cavuoti, Jeanne A + Colliflower, Kitty + Crouch, Lisa
Bolton, Wendy LPGA Amateur Golf Association - Rochester
12:00 PM 16 Red - Ladies Kosuda, Cindy + Pawlik, Jeanette + Roche, Colleen
Brawn, Vicki Genesee Golf Club
12:00 PM 18 Red - Ladies Ferguson, Cheryl + Harmon, Cathy + Kalman, Michele
Brown, Jamie Elm Tree Golf Course
12:00 PM 17 Red - Ladies Gage, Barb + Mason, Amy + Wood, Deb
Buzzy, Heidi Oneonta Country Club
12:00 PM 12 Red - Ladies Smaila, Andi + Spencer, Kim + Worth, Mary
Byrnes-Hammond, Erin Pompey Club
12:00 PM 9 Red - Ladies Gier, Kimberly + Gotsch, Lynn + Ryu, Patine
Campbell, Jo Ann Clifton Springs Country Club
12:00 PM 2 Red - Ladies Kron, Shelley + Phillips, Chris + Quinn, Lynn
Cavuoti, Jeanne A Corning Country Club
12:00 PM 14A Red - Ladies Blyth, Tammy + Colliflower, Kitty + Crouch, Lisa
Champlin, Margie Lakeside Country Club
12:00 PM 6 Red - Ladies Daum, Theresa + Ekiss, Kim + Peterson, Toni
Chang, Lilian Victor Hills Country Club
12:00 PM 10A Red - Ladies Usiatynski, Sheree
Chapman, Lynn NYSGA eClub - Central NY
12:00 PM 13 Red - Ladies Labacz, Patricia + Lundergan, Kelly + Owen, Maureen
Cleland, Teresa Bellevue Country Club
12:00 PM 5A Red - Ladies Flynn, Maggie + Lavigne, Janice + Watkins, Carina
Colliflower, Kitty Oak Hill Country Club
12:00 PM 14A Red - Ladies Blyth, Tammy + Cavuoti, Jeanne A + Crouch, Lisa
Couche, Cynthia NYSGA eClub - Central NY
12:00 PM 4 Red - Ladies Lobdell, Janice + Mooney, Katharine + Neally, Cassie
Creath, Sarah Corning Country Club
12:00 PM 15 Red - Ladies Manuel, Linda + Moore, Jennifer + Ranieri, Tracey
Crouch, Lisa Corning Country Club
12:00 PM 14A Red - Ladies Blyth, Tammy + Cavuoti, Jeanne A + Colliflower, Kitty
Curtis, Mary Twin Hickory Golf Club
12:00 PM 11 Red - Ladies Betlem, Cris + Doorley, Sandra + Ward, Pamela
Daum, Theresa LPGA Amateur Golf Association - Rochester
12:00 PM 6 Red - Ladies Champlin, Margie + Ekiss, Kim + Peterson, Toni
Derleth, Janet Oak Hill Country Club
12:00 PM 7 Red - Ladies Hurlbut, Sarah + Kuhn, Melinda + Shupe, Jo Ann
Doorley, Sandra Sodus Bay Heights Golf Club
12:00 PM 11 Red - Ladies Betlem, Cris + Curtis, Mary + Ward, Pamela
Ekiss, Kim LPGA Amateurs-Rochester NY
12:00 PM 6 Red - Ladies Champlin, Margie + Daum, Theresa + Peterson, Toni
Enders, Deborah Foxfire Golf Course
12:00 PM 5B Red - Ladies Fowler, Nikki + Gallagher, Kathleen + Webb, Lisa
Ferguson, Cheryl Durand Eastman Golf Club
12:00 PM 18 Red - Ladies Brawn, Vicki + Harmon, Cathy + Kalman, Michele
Fiore, Mary Beth NYSGA eClub - Central NY
12:00 PM 3 Red - Ladies Gilbert, Mindy + Martin, Wendy + Simmons, Paula
Flynn, Maggie Oak Hill Country Club
12:00 PM 5A Red - Ladies Cleland, Teresa + Lavigne, Janice + Watkins, Carina
Fowler, Nikki Stone Creek Golf Club
12:00 PM 5B Red - Ladies Enders, Deborah + Gallagher, Kathleen + Webb, Lisa
Gaffney, Amanda Brookfield Country Club
12:00 PM 1B Gold - Ladies Gaffney, Samantha + Gresham, Emily + Zigrossi, Julia
Gaffney, Samantha Brookfield Country Club
12:00 PM 1B Gold - Ladies Gaffney, Amanda + Gresham, Emily + Zigrossi, Julia
Gage, Barb Stonehedges Golf Club
12:00 PM 17 Red - Ladies Brown, Jamie + Mason, Amy + Wood, Deb
Gallagher, Kathleen Monroe Golf Club
12:00 PM 5B Red - Ladies Enders, Deborah + Fowler, Nikki + Webb, Lisa
Gier, Kimberly Gowanda Country Club
12:00 PM 9 Red - Ladies Byrnes-Hammond, Erin + Gotsch, Lynn + Ryu, Patine
Gilbert, Mindy Highland Park Golf Club
12:00 PM 3 Red - Ladies Fiore, Mary Beth + Martin, Wendy + Simmons, Paula
Gotsch, Lynn Gowanda Country Club
12:00 PM 9 Red - Ladies Byrnes-Hammond, Erin + Gier, Kimberly + Ryu, Patine
Gresham, Emily NYSGA eClub - Southern Tier
12:00 PM 1B Gold - Ladies Gaffney, Amanda + Gaffney, Samantha + Zigrossi, Julia
Hamm, Julie Sodus Bay Heights Golf Club
12:00 PM 1A Red - Ladies Jackson, Sandra + Narken, Ingrid + Riedel, Patty
Harmon, Cathy Buffalo Women Golf Club
12:00 PM 18 Red - Ladies Brawn, Vicki + Ferguson, Cheryl + Kalman, Michele
Hobika, Meredith Yahnundasis Golf Club
12:00 PM 14B Red - Ladies Bartolotta, Valerie + Levine-Ribble, Ronnie + Ptak, Linda
Hurlbut, Sarah Country Club of Rochester
12:00 PM 7 Red - Ladies Derleth, Janet + Kuhn, Melinda + Shupe, Jo Ann
Jackson, Sandra Whippoorwill Club
12:00 PM 1A Red - Ladies Hamm, Julie + Narken, Ingrid + Riedel, Patty
Kalman, Michele Buffalo Women Golf Club
12:00 PM 18 Red - Ladies Brawn, Vicki + Ferguson, Cheryl + Harmon, Cathy
Kosuda, Cindy Twin Ponds Golf Club
12:00 PM 16 Red - Ladies Bolton, Wendy + Pawlik, Jeanette + Roche, Colleen
Kron, Shelley Oneida Community Golf Club
12:00 PM 2 Red - Ladies Campbell, Jo Ann + Phillips, Chris + Quinn, Lynn
Kuhn, Melinda Lake Shore Yacht & CC
12:00 PM 7 Red - Ladies Derleth, Janet + Hurlbut, Sarah + Shupe, Jo Ann
Labacz, Patricia Foxfire Golf Course
12:00 PM 13 Red - Ladies Chapman, Lynn + Lundergan, Kelly + Owen, Maureen
Lavigne, Janice Ravenwood Golf Club
12:00 PM 5A Red - Ladies Cleland, Teresa + Flynn, Maggie + Watkins, Carina
Levine-Ribble, Ronnie Penfield Country Club
12:00 PM 14B Red - Ladies Bartolotta, Valerie + Hobika, Meredith + Ptak, Linda
Lobdell, Janice Corning Country Club
12:00 PM 4 Red - Ladies Couche, Cynthia + Mooney, Katharine + Neally, Cassie
Lundergan, Kelly Corning Country Club
12:00 PM 13 Red - Ladies Chapman, Lynn + Labacz, Patricia + Owen, Maureen
Manuel, Linda Corning Country Club
12:00 PM 15 Red - Ladies Creath, Sarah + Moore, Jennifer + Ranieri, Tracey
Martin, Wendy Willowbrook Golf Course
12:00 PM 3 Red - Ladies Fiore, Mary Beth + Gilbert, Mindy + Simmons, Paula
Mason, Amy Sodus Bay Heights Golf Club
12:00 PM 17 Red - Ladies Brown, Jamie + Gage, Barb + Wood, Deb
Miles, Sharon Sidney Golf & CC
12:00 PM 10B Red - Ladies Olsen, Karen + Pargh, Shelly + Schmitt, Katherine
Mooney, Katharine Green Lakes Women's 18 League
12:00 PM 4 Red - Ladies Couche, Cynthia + Lobdell, Janice + Neally, Cassie
Moore, Jennifer Oneonta Country Club
12:00 PM 15 Red - Ladies Creath, Sarah + Manuel, Linda + Ranieri, Tracey
Narken, Ingrid Thendara Golf Course
12:00 PM 1A Red - Ladies Hamm, Julie + Jackson, Sandra + Riedel, Patty
Neally, Cassie Corning Country Club
12:00 PM 4 Red - Ladies Couche, Cynthia + Lobdell, Janice + Mooney, Katharine
Olsen, Karen Newman Municipal Golf Course
12:00 PM 10B Red - Ladies Miles, Sharon + Pargh, Shelly + Schmitt, Katherine
Owen, Maureen Corning Country Club
12:00 PM 13 Red - Ladies Chapman, Lynn + Labacz, Patricia + Lundergan, Kelly
Pargh, Shelly Newman Municipal Golf Course
12:00 PM 10B Red - Ladies Miles, Sharon + Olsen, Karen + Schmitt, Katherine
Pawlik, Jeanette Cedar Lake Club
12:00 PM 16 Red - Ladies Bolton, Wendy + Kosuda, Cindy + Roche, Colleen
Peterson, Toni Lakeside Country Club
12:00 PM 6 Red - Ladies Champlin, Margie + Daum, Theresa + Ekiss, Kim
Phillips, Chris NYSGA eClub - Central NY
12:00 PM 2 Red - Ladies Campbell, Jo Ann + Kron, Shelley + Quinn, Lynn
Ptak, Linda NYSGA eClub - Central NY
12:00 PM 14B Red - Ladies Bartolotta, Valerie + Hobika, Meredith + Levine-Ribble, Ronnie
Quinn, Lynn Clifton Springs Country Club
12:00 PM 2 Red - Ladies Campbell, Jo Ann + Kron, Shelley + Phillips, Chris
Ranieri, Tracey Oneonta Country Club
12:00 PM 15 Red - Ladies Creath, Sarah + Manuel, Linda + Moore, Jennifer
Ricciardi, Jessica NYSGAeclub- Central NY
12:00 PM 8 Gold - Ladies Beard, Carolyn + Ricciardi, Michelle + Wilson, Kirsten
Ricciardi, Michelle NYSGA eClub - Central NY
12:00 PM 8 Gold - Ladies Beard, Carolyn + Ricciardi, Jessica + Wilson, Kirsten
Riedel, Patty Penfield Country Club
12:00 PM 1A Red - Ladies Hamm, Julie + Jackson, Sandra + Narken, Ingrid
Roche, Colleen Radisson Greens Golf Club
12:00 PM 16 Red - Ladies Bolton, Wendy + Kosuda, Cindy + Pawlik, Jeanette
Ryu, Patine Cavalry Club
12:00 PM 9 Red - Ladies Byrnes-Hammond, Erin + Gier, Kimberly + Gotsch, Lynn
Schmitt, Katherine Canasawacta Country Club
12:00 PM 10B Red - Ladies Miles, Sharon + Olsen, Karen + Pargh, Shelly
Shupe, Jo Ann Beaver Meadows Golf Club
12:00 PM 7 Red - Ladies Derleth, Janet + Hurlbut, Sarah + Kuhn, Melinda
Simmons, Paula Willowbrook Golf Course
12:00 PM 3 Red - Ladies Fiore, Mary Beth + Gilbert, Mindy + Martin, Wendy
Smaila, Andi Oneonta Country Club
12:00 PM 12 Red - Ladies Buzzy, Heidi + Spencer, Kim + Worth, Mary
Spencer, Kim Lakeside Country Club
12:00 PM 12 Red - Ladies Buzzy, Heidi + Smaila, Andi + Worth, Mary
Usiatynski, Sheree Victor Hills Country Club
12:00 PM 10A Red - Ladies Chang, Lilian
Ward, Pamela Onondaga Golf & Country Club
12:00 PM 11 Red - Ladies Betlem, Cris + Curtis, Mary + Doorley, Sandra
Watkins, Carina Beaver Meadows Golf Club
12:00 PM 5A Red - Ladies Cleland, Teresa + Flynn, Maggie + Lavigne, Janice
Webb, Lisa Clifton Springs Country Club
12:00 PM 5B Red - Ladies Enders, Deborah + Fowler, Nikki + Gallagher, Kathleen
Wilson, Kirsten Niagara Frontier Country Club
12:00 PM 8 Gold - Ladies Beard, Carolyn + Ricciardi, Jessica + Ricciardi, Michelle
Wood, Deb Hickory Ridge G. & C.C.
12:00 PM 17 Red - Ladies Brown, Jamie + Gage, Barb + Mason, Amy
Worth, Mary Lakeside Country Club
12:00 PM 12 Red - Ladies Buzzy, Heidi + Smaila, Andi + Spencer, Kim
Zigrossi, Julia Ridgemont Country Club
12:00 PM 1B Gold - Ladies Gaffney, Amanda + Gaffney, Samantha + Gresham, Emily